Thursday, May 23, 2013

Snow, framing, snow, framing!!

 Well, this day has been strange, what with the SNOW!!!
Lucky for me it's been pretty busy today and that's just enough to distract me from looking outside too much  :)
 This beautiful collage design came in today and I just want to say...
Just Say No to adhering your artwork with Double sided tape!!

This was just brought in for re-framing. We are going to carefully remove the rest of the fabric collage and then re-mount it by sewing inconspicuous stitches in places where the needle and thread won't leave holes. Must give this marvelous design some love!!!! ♥ finished pic to come...
picture link

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I agree with never using double sided tape! I've done worked on a few frames in Edmonton and trying to re-frame artwork that has double sided tape on it is a disaster!