Saturday, May 13, 2006


We love framing your sports memorabilia.

Whether its for your game/rec room, bar room, or living room we can design a framing that will be sure to turn heads.
PLUS... you will see the envy in your buddy's eyes when they see how cool it looks to frame a baseball jersey in the shape of a ball field!

OR... if your child is really into sports, why not frame their awards, pins, medals, photos, bibs in a nice shadowbox. Your kid would be thrilled to show off their achievements to their friends when it's hanging on their bedroom wall!

WHAT ABOUT... that ONE time you got a hole-in-one at the golf tournament?? You even have an article clipping from The Mining Journal about your glorious hole in one. We can put all of that information in a small shadowbox style framing. You can hang it anywhere in your house. Your bathroom! Your rec room! Your hallway!

So, come on in, and let us make your memories last a lifetime.

Talk to Stacie and Tom 228-7719

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